Árbol Tsef Thaed


I really tried...

I really, really, reaaaaally tried to sleep. But I couldn't.
Now it's 5 in the morning and I bet my ass that I will get sleepy about 8 or 9 AM.

So I checked my options, I could do some stuff I consider "important" or I could turn left, turn right, look at the ceiling or twist my myself in the bed until I get really tired.

Yeah, the second option (and derivates) is wiser and more entertaining than the first one, but trust me... I'm still an insomniac bastard.

So, what am I doing here, you might ask?

Missing my girlfriend, that's one.
Releasing blogs of my friends to the public, that's two.
Wondering what can I do about the ridiculous amount of entries in my spanish blog, that's three. (I can't even export them! the connection crashes before it finishes).
Still reading Dostoievsky, that's four.
And wondering if I should start reading blogs in other languages to learn from them... not english, but german, italian and french blogs, that's five. (Heck, I even considered japanese for Christ' sake!)
Ummm, listening music, but that's... common, yeah, count it as zero.



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